Monday, March 13, 2006

Yes, Let's shoot those MCPs

The S'pore med gang went shopping last friday. In a little chinese shop in Clayton, we spotted this cute little piggy-bank, shaped like a pig, with the words 'DOCTOR' on it. Since Ling's b'dae was coming up, I contemplated buying it when a S'porean med guy said:

Mr D Why not get the one which says 'NURSE'?

Me Huh? Are you suggesting Ling will never finish med?

Mr D What? Female doctor...Nurse...same thing mah!

Me You *^$)*( MCP

We managed to stop antagonising each other during the rest of the shopping trip. Until we got back to campus.

Mr D I strongly feel that women should just stay at home and make babies. That's what I expect my wife to do.

Me Wow. That's real generousity.

Mr D What

Me I mean, you'll be working 36 hr shifts right? So she'll be making babies with every other guy but you! Isn't that generous of you?

Mr D
*Mumbles under breath*


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