Friday, April 21, 2006

Exams over. 5% Doctor!

Had my first med exam today. Well, its not really an exam, considering that its worth a mere 5%. Shh, don't let other faculties know we actually studied for this! It was pretty good. Yay, won't get kicked out!

Another piece of good news: NUS DENTISTRY SHORTLISTED ME FOR INTERVIEW! Don't know why but I'm so thrilled, even though I probably won't even turn up. I mean, come on, Med is all I've wanted in this life and probably the next, and now that I'm FINALLY in, I'm not about to give it up so easily!

But then again, during a particularly boring sociology tutorial yesterday, I had one of my usual out-of-body experience while being enlightened by the tutor (put simply, I was daydreaming). No prizes for guessing what I was dreaming about; I suddenly thought about what life would be like had I applied for dentistry at UWA. Yes, I'd be with my beloved family, enjoying mom's sometimes-nice-sometimes-not-so-nice cooking, fighting with Jon over that last chicken wing, playing Need For Speed with him on X-box...oh, dreams. Then I thought about the 2 million a yr after tax income of a dentist, the 9-5 working hours, the shorter journey to specialist training, and, for a split second, and intoxicated as I was, I actually wished I was doing dentistry at UWA. And when I get home, surprise surprise: Mom's asking if I regretted not doing dent, and Dad tells me about the offer. Was that ESP or what?

Its great to feel so wanted once in a while.

Currently reading: Hope in hell: Inside the world of doctors without borders. Its a pretty good book, though a tad too dry at times. I wished the author had included more short stories focussing on particular volunteers. Abit too explicit at times, especially when discribing the Rwandan genocide. Not for those with a weak constitution.


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