Friday, October 20, 2006

Reflections II


Last. Duration. End. The last day of school. Memories that will last a lifetime. I prefer to use the word as a verb. But...

There have been so many 'lasts' (noun) this week. Each one more tear-inducing than the last; the last lecture of the year, the last PCL, the last anatomy dissection. I'm tempted to wish that this year would never end, but the smart-alec part of me once told John that things are enjoyed best when there is a fixed amount of time alloted to them. (Like you wouldn't want to be 21 forever right?) Eternal life is the worst curse.

Having said that, I still feel profoundly sad that the academic year has ended. 2006 has been a year of tremendous growth, induced by great transition. It is the year I learnt to live, and to let live. God has been kind to me.

Let the tears rain down from heaven,
that they may ease the pain.
No memories shall be forsaken.
Nothing is in vain.


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